Hyden is a aging, washed up evil wizard. Once the most powerful sorcerer in the Old Kingdoms, renown for his intellect and insufferable personality in equal measures, his interest in forbidden eldritch powers eventually turned his kingdom against him.
He put himself in stasis to avoid the death penalty only to reawaken in a strange, cold, apocalyptic world 300 years in the future that seems to blame him for its current state.
Now stripped of his magic and held captive by a group known as The Rising Dawn, he must use his wits to find allies and navigate this hostile new world. Unfortunately, his manipulation skills are atrophied, and he’s beginning to realize his wits may not be quite as sharp as they were when he was younger…

Alex’s hometown was destroyed by an eldritch dark force that left her as the only survivor. With no other choice to survive on the tundra, she joined the Ironfrost military at the age of 11, seeking citizenship, though in her heart she never trusted them.
Cold, competent, and businesslike on the surface yet seething with vengeful rage beneath, the secret Alex carried and her deep distrust of authority led to her joining a secret underground group known as The Rising Dawn. This in turn led to her being branded a criminal by Ironfrost and traveling to the far north, where a Rising Dawn research expedition would unearth a certain wizard beneath the snow…

Frank is a dopey, nervous guy who is 100% follower, 0% leader. Shy, mild-mannered, and old-fashioned, he prefers to keep to himself and enjoys life’s simple pleasures, such as disgusting gas station nachos and watching mindless junk on TV.
Beneath his sweaty, soft exterior and slow southern drawl, he’s got a bit of an edge, though. Frank is a survivalist and will do whatever is required to keep himself safe. His lack of meaningful moral compass beyond “swearing and sex are bad” mean that he goes off the rails incredibly easily if given the proper narrative prodding. He was my player character in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and very quickly became a cannibal, for example.
He has existed in many “AUs” over the years at varying levels of mildness and depravity. The big narrative project he is currently associated with is Wishbone, where he exists as the incompetent nepotistically-chosen sheriff of a small western town. He also features in Theo’s Big Adventure. More information about both games can be found on the Games page.

Morgan is a con artist and gambler always looking for the next big score. …She hasn’t had a lot of big scores yet, for some reason. Talking fast with one bony arm around your shoulder and a cigarette in the other, she has all the slimy charisma of a used car salesman but a fraction of the net worth.
Morgan considers herself very clever and thinks other people are all “sheep”. She is always coming up with big plans but they tend to fall through or get forgotten when she impulsively moves onto the next. Nobody knows much about her past–the stories she tells are always different and always obviously embellished–but the one and only safe bet you could make with Morgan is that Morgan almost certainly isn’t her real name.
Morgan features as a minor character in Wishbone.

Dayton is a cynical and detached young woman. Her youth was a messy time, full of difficult interpersonal relationships and chaos. Now finally free of all that, she drifts, numb and burned out, a ghost trapped in the limbo of her own life.
Something, or someone, needs to shake things up and get her life moving again. An unexpected string of coincidences may lead to the “undead trapped between life and death” metaphor becoming literal instead of figurative…

Jenny is a recent biology(?) graduate working in some sort of high tech and surreal mad science lab. The lab primarily deals in making sparkledogs (where do you think all those dog-shaped experimental weapons with scene hair from the late aughts came from?) but seems to pursue something deeper and darker if you catch a peek beyond all the nonsense…
Jenny, for her part, is more interested in partying. She’d rather get crunk and stay up till dawn dancing at an EDM concert than ponder the ethics of toying with others’ lives and playing god, so… that’s exactly what she does. Selfish and carefree, she seemingly sleeps easily and guilt-free after a long day of mad science atrocities, more concerned with how many likes her fanfic got than anything else.

Mariana is Jenny’s colleague, of sorts. Her title is that of head researcher, but in reality, she’s an artificial creature engineered by the lab. Her true form is a sort of voracious worm made of black ooze, but she is capable of holding the form of a woman–as long as her energy resources allow it, of course.
Having only recently been “born”, Mariana is inexperienced with the ways of the world. Everything is new and exciting to her. But she’s catching on quick… real quick. (Maybe she’d be better off with someone other than Jenny acting as her guide and moral compass…)